8 Tips
For Better Hybrid Learning Experience

Pandemic brought the closure of in-person education around the world. Face-to-face meeting restrictions were rolled out in 190 countries.

There were major institutions that invested heavily in the teaching technology pre-COVID, but it was only in 2020 that the adoption rate skyrocketed. EOS Intelligence reports that COVID-19 affected more than 1,5 billion students globally and more than 90% of all students.

Nowadays hybrid classrooms are a popular flexible format and many new solutions for it have been rolled out since 2020. While it's easy to imagine how a 360-degree camera and state-of-the-art whiteboard can liven up the look and feel of your new hybrid classroom at a hefty price, it's not always obvious how much it will contribute to the material retention or other teaching goals you may have.

In this post, we have collected short tips, which can make the hybrid learning experience you provide more efficient with almost no extra cost.

1. Time management
Give yourself enough time to set up and test all the equipment. While you can set up everything in 5 mins if you are a pro, better to have at least half an hour that will allow you to check that everything works fine.
Don't forget to include breaks in your teaching plan to avoid students' fatigue.

2. Set the hybrid classroom rules
While most of the students are accustomed to certain behavior in the classroom, hybrid classrooms feel different. Many students don't know how to act in an environment that is new for them. We strongly recommend that you make up a list of rules to set the right expectations for your students and have a discussion around them.

3. Organize the files
It's very easy to lose track of all the digital files your students will need during or after your class. Consider creating a special directory with all the files neatly organized and available for everyone. Distribute the link to this directory to your students, and include it in teaching materials, or on a course webpage.

4. Online whiteboard
When projected in the class, the online whiteboard is very helpful for conducting hybrid lessons. Remote learners can see all the content in high resolution, while students in the class can follow the same media materials on the projection screen.

5. Engage your students
Quizzes are a popular and effective way to engage students in a hybrid setting. Real-time quizzes from myQuiz can help you connect all of your students in the same experience, energize the class dynamics with friendly competition, and help automate knowledge assessment.
Try our quiz platform to create an engaging quiz for your students.

6. Mix different types of activities
Have you ever noticed how hard it is for most students to follow your lecture from the very beginning to the very end without being distracted? It's common for humans to have thoughts crawling into consciousness and drift the attention away from the task at hand. Try to mix different activities (e.g. following a lecture, participation in a quiz, individual tasks, e.t.c) to maximize the attention of your students.

7. Outline the perspective
The remote part of your class doesn't have enough supervision and is easily distracted. The worst case is when they have finished the task you have given them before other students and don't know what to do next. Outlining the perspective of your lesson/course can help direct the attention of those who've finished their task to the next topic on their learning path.

8. Use the chat
Nothing equals face-to-face interaction between the students, where they can enrich each other's learning experience. Chat is more accessible for those who are not comfortable with speaking up in person. Explore the chat settings to manage the format of your discussion.
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